“Evidence Based” and “Clinically Relevant”
This is our motto! For decades we have dreamed of sharing our knowledge and clinical experience with ambitious dentists from all over the world according to these principles. The dream became reality through the foundation of the Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy.
Driven by the idea of pursuing new and forward-looking paths of dental education and training, we have developed eight master classes in periodontology and dental implantology that provide the participants a new learning experience thanks to the following educational tools: live surgeries, interactive knowledge transfer in small groups, the exchange of experiences from colleague to colleague, and well-supervised hands-on training. This experience will become a defining moment in your continuing professional development. Through open and honest dialogue, we offer our course participants sustainable support in navigating their way through today’s plethora of dental industry trends, products and information and make it easier for them to implement new scientific findings in their daily practice. Last but not least, it is our self-declared goal to provide courses that challenge participants and enhance their manual dexterity and surgical skills so that they will be able to carry out the techniques learned here in their own practice directly after course completion.
Our modern training facilities in Munich await you with a unique spirit and a very special atmosphere. The friends and colleagues that you will meet here may come from very different national, cultural and work backgrounds, but they have one thing in common that unites them all: They are very passionate about their profession!
Welcome to the Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy
“Evidence Based” and “Clinically Relevant”
This is our motto! For decades we have dreamed of sharing our knowledge and clinical experience with ambitious dentists from all over the world according to these principles. The dream became reality through the foundation of the Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy.
Driven by the idea of pursuing new and forward-looking paths of dental education and training, we have developed eight master classes in periodontology and dental implantology that provide the participants a new learning experience thanks to the following educational tools: live surgeries, interactive knowledge transfer in small groups, the exchange of experiences from colleague to colleague, and well-supervised hands-on training. This experience will become a defining moment in your continuing professional development. Through open and honest dialogue, we offer our course participants sustainable support in navigating their way through today’s plethora of dental industry trends, products and information and make it easier for them to implement new scientific findings in their daily practice. Last but not least, it is our self-declared goal to provide courses that challenge participants and enhance their manual dexterity and surgical skills so that they will be able to carry out the techniques learned here in their own practice directly after course completion.
Our modern training facilities in Munich await you with a unique spirit and a very special atmosphere. The friends and colleagues that you will meet here may come from very different national, cultural and work backgrounds, but they have one thing in common that unites them all: They are very passionate about their profession!
Welcome to the Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy
Our Team
Marc Hürzeler and Otto Zuhr will be your instructors throughout the entire course series.

Kira Zuhr
Coordination & Organization
Ardita Beciri
Clinical Assistant
Our Team

Kira Zuhr
Coordination & Organization

Ardita Beciri
Clinical Assistant
Understanding –Decision-making – Action
In responsible medical practice, it is now more than ever before a constant challenge to arrive at the right decisions together with the patient in each individual case.
From the contemporary practice perspective, dogmatically rigid treatment concepts and fixed routine practice procedures cannot satisfy these demands. Therefore, apart from merely giving participants the technical skills needed to perform the necessary medical interventions and surgical procedures, modern continuing medical education and training programs must also ensure that participants have the solid knowledge base needed for sound decision-making in each individual patient’s case.

Understanding –Decision-making – Action
In responsible medical practice, it is now more than ever before a constant challenge to arrive at the right decisions together with the patient in each individual case.
From the contemporary practice perspective, dogmatically rigid treatment concepts and fixed routine practice procedures cannot satisfy these demands. Therefore, apart from merely giving participants the technical skills needed to perform the necessary medical interventions and surgical procedures, modern continuing medical education and training programs must also ensure that participants have the solid knowledge base needed for sound decision-making in each individual patient’s case.
Become a Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Clinician

1. Understanding
We follow a practice-oriented modular approach to teaching scientific principles that are truly clinically relevant with the aim of imparting to course participants a profound biological understanding of all topics covered.

2. Decision-making
We strive to empower our participants to utilize the biological principles learned in training in their daily practice routines so as to support decision-making processes in a given course of treatment using established EBM and quality of life criteria.

3. Action
Our approach facilitates the systematic learning of surgical techniques through carefully selected training models and live surgeries so as to ensure that afterwards, each participant will be able to confidently perform the surgical techniques learned in the course on their own patients.
Become a Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Clinician

1. Understanding
We follow a practice-oriented modular approach to teaching scientific principles that are truly clinically relevant with the aim of imparting to course participants a profound biological understanding of all topics covered.

2. Decision-making
We strive to empower our participants to utilize the biological principles learned in training in their daily practice routines so as to support decision-making processes in a given course of treatment using established EBM and quality of life criteria.

3. Action
Our approach facilitates the systematic learning of surgical techniques through carefully selected training models and live surgeries so as to ensure that afterwards, each participant will be able to confidently perform the surgical techniques learned in the course on their own patients.
Master Classes and Master Weeks
Based on this principle, we compiled a series of eight Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Classes in Periodontology and Implant Therapy. Each entire master class is supervised by both instructors, Marc Hürzeler and Otto Zuhr. English is the language of instruction. The course modules are suited for novices as well as seasoned professionals. In terms of content, they are designed as a hierarchical series that, ideally, should be completed in sequence.
Participants taking the entire master class series receive a €150 discount per course, regardless of the order of completion of the modules and the time between courses. Participants who complete all eight Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Classes will be awarded the title of Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Clinician of Periodontology and Implant Therapy, stamped with the seal of the Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main. Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Weeks were especially designed to accommodate participants who have to travel long distances to the course venue. Two of the eight Hürzeler / Zuhr Master Classes are covered in each of the four Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Weeks.
Live surgery sessions, lectures and, most importantly, practical training on different types of models are the main focus of our training classes.
Our three-day classes are offered on a work-friendly schedule (Thursday afternoon to Saturday evening) and are co-supervised by both instructors (Prof. Dr. Hürzeler and Dr. Zuhr) to ensure that the participants receive intensive support.
Classes can be booked individually or in series and are suitable for both the novice and seasoned clinician. English is the language of instruction.

/ Masterclasses & Master Weeks in Periodontology and Implant Therapy
Master Classes and Master Weeks
Based on this principle, we compiled a series of eight Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Classes in Periodontology and Implant Therapy. Each entire master class is supervised by both instructors, Marc Hürzeler and Otto Zuhr. English is the language of instruction. The course modules are suited for novices as well as seasoned professionals. In terms of content, they are designed as a hierarchical series that, ideally, should be completed in sequence.
Participants taking the entire master class series receive a €150 discount per course, regardless of the order of completion of the modules and the time between courses. Participants who complete all eight Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Classes will be awarded the title of Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Clinician of Periodontology and Implant Therapy, stamped with the seal of the Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main. Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Weeks were especially designed to accommodate participants who have to travel long distances to the course venue. Two of the eight Hürzeler / Zuhr Master Classes are covered in each of the four Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Weeks.
Live surgery sessions, lectures and, most importantly, practical training on different types of models are the main focus of our training classes.
Our three-day classes are offered on a work-friendly schedule (Thursday afternoon to Saturday evening) and are co-supervised by both instructors (Prof. Dr. Hürzeler and Dr. Zuhr) to ensure that the participants receive intensive support.
Classes can be booked individually or in series and are suitable for both the novice and seasoned clinician. English is the language of instruction.

/ Masterclasses & Master Weeks in Periodontology and Implant Therapy
MC 1: Manual Skills

Available dates:
09. - 11. Oct 2025
High-power magnification using operating microscopes is not routinely used for surgical interventions in the oral cavity today - the dimensions of the microsurgical instruments and suturing materials that have proven to be particularly suitable in periodontal and implant surgery, do normally not require more than 4.5 x to 6.0 x magnification in most of the situations. Therefore, standard loupe systems provide sufficient magnification in the vast majority of cases.
Against this background, the question is: why would you take a three-day course devoted exclusively to working under the microscope with magnifying powers as high as 20 x?
The answer is simple: there is no longer any doubt in the field, that successful surgical outcomes are largely dependent on the manual dexterity of the individual surgeon. Based on current literature though, manual skills can only be improved by moving out of the comfort zone and by going to the border area of what the human hand can perform.
Regardless of your current level, this course will consequently push you to your limits, thereby providing exactly the right impetus you need to effectively and sustainably train and enhance your manual skills. During these three days of training, you will build the foundation needed to successfully complete all of the remaining Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Classes.
- Introduction to microsurgery
- Oral soft tissue wound healing
- Minimal invasive periodontal and implant surgery
- Flap designs
- Microsurgical suturing techniques
Hands-on Training
- Incision design, flap preparation, flap mobilization and flap stabilization using different models
- End-to-end anatomization of the greater palatine artery in pig jaws
MC 2: Periodontitis I

Available dates:
23. - 25. Oct 2025
Periodontal surgery to successfully treat patients affected by periodontal diseases is unambiguously in the center of the Master Classes 2 and 3.
At the same time, the course programs have been compiled in a thorough understanding that surgical interventions are only a small piece of the jigsaw puzzle for the successful management of patients with periodontal disease. In other words, even if executed using best practices and techniques, periodontal surgery procedures will not have a significant impact if they are not embedded in a practice environment that ensures that all the necessary phases of systematic periodontal treatment can be carried out in a competent manner.
All in all, this class does not dispense with the need to study the theoretical fundamentals of periodontology. However, the first part of this course module will teach you the most important and clinically relevant theoretical aspects of establishing the structured approach needed for the systematic management of periodontal disease patients in private practice. Moreover, you will learn strategies for systematic treatment planning and indications for various periodontal surgical interventions required to achieve defined treatment goals according to established treatment concepts based on case studies in interactive work group discussions.
Most important, you will focus during these three days on learning the microsurgical flap techniques needed, to perform access and regenerative periodontal surgery procedures for the treatment of infra-alveolar and inter-radicular periodontal defects. Intensive hands-on training with various training models and live surgeries will help you become skilled at planning and executing incision design, flap elevation, flap mobilization and flap stabilization techniques with a defect-specific approach. The skills learned in this course will give you the foundation needed to manage patients with periodontal diseases even more successful in the future.
- Examination and diagnosis of patients with periodontal diseases
- Treatment planning protocols for patients with periodontal diseases
- Systematic approach to periodontal regeneration
- Surgical access therapy
- Regenerative periodontal therapy
- Decision-making in regenerative periodontal therapy
Hands-on Training
- Microsurgical access flaps in all conceivable variations
- Suturing techniques for microsurgical access flaps in all conceivable variations
- Microsurgical access flap for periodontal regeneration of infra-alveolar defects
- Modified coronally advanced flap for periodontal regeneration of inter-radicular defects
- Harvesting autogenous bone particles from the maxillary tuberosity
Live Surgery
- Regenerative periodontal surgery
MC 3: Periodontitis II

Available dates:
13. - 15. Nov 2025
Master Class 3 is structured as the continuation of Master Class 2.
The first part focuses on resective periodontal procedures to successfully treat patients affected by periodontal diseases in supplementation to access and regenerative surgical interventions covered in Master Class 2. In contrast to often voiced concerns considering resective periodontal surgery old-fashioned and “aggressive”, it will be demonstrated that the application of apically repositioned flaps can still make sense within the scope of modern periodontal therapy in areas without esthetic relevance provided that periodontal regeneration or access flap surgery cannot be predictably applied. Decisive is, that if indicated and put in a modern and future-oriented context, pocket elimination can even today and not least under the heading of “fiber-retention” be performed in a minimal-invasive and tissue-conserving way. Is there still room for resective periodontal procedures to successfully manage patients with periodontal diseases today? The clear answer is: Yes, there is!
The far-reaching understanding that gingivitis acts as the precursor of periodontitis and therefore the treatment of gingivitis represents the most important step to prevent periodontitis, shapes the second section of Master Class 3. In the center of attention are hereby – theoretically and practically – minimal-invasive apically repositioned flaps to eliminate subgingival restorations margins and the application of soft tissue autografts harvested at the human hard palate in situations where it is in areas without esthetic relevance necessary to re-establish healthy and stable gingival conditions.
The agenda of the last part follows the profound understanding that patients with a history of periodontitis have also an increased risk of developing peri-implant diseases. Based on a mindset that the development of peri-implantitis and consequently the loss of implants can be optimally avoided by maintaining teeth as long as possible and postponing implant placement as far as possible in the course of patients` lives, the preservation of teeth, even severely compromised, can be important, in particular for young- and middle-aged patients. By sharing fundamental background knowledge and meticulous hands-on training, surgical techniques at the limits of tooth preservation are highlighted on this day. These include regenerative periodontal procedures as well as resective interventions like tunneling procedures, root amputations, root separations and root resections culminating in the successful treatment of alleged hopeless teeth. Furthermore, surgical techniques to maintain teeth affected by external root resorptions will be a subject of discussion.
- Pocket elimination with minimal-invasive resective periodontal surgery
- The “fiber retention”-technique
- Apically repositioned flaps to eliminate subgingival restoration margins
- Epithelialized connective tissue grafts to re-establish healthy and stable gingival conditions
- Resective periodontal surgery to treat furcation-involved molars
- Regenerative periodontal surgery to treat alleged hopeless teeth
- Surgical techniques to treat teeth affected by external root resorptions
Hands-on Training
- Minimal invasive apically repositioned flaps with the “fiber retention”-technique
- Minimal invasive apically repositioned flaps to eliminate subgingival restoration margins
- Minimal invasive apically repositioned flaps for root resective periodontal surgery
Live Surgery
- Resective periodontal surgery
MC 4: Peri-implantitis

Available dates:
08. - 10. Jan 2026
The use of dental implants to replace missing teeth represents a significant improvement in the quality of life for many patients affected by tooth loss today. Scientifically documented survival rates of nearly 90% over an observation period of 15 years, coupled with the exponentially increasing number of implants inserted worldwide each year, speak for themselves. However, the long-standing conviction ingrained in the minds of clinicians that osseointegrated implants function flawlessly for a lifetime has recently yielded to the bitter realization that titanium artificial tooth roots do not always represent a "permanent solution" and can often entail technical and, most importantly, biological long-term complications. It must be acknowledged that more than 20% of implant patients are affected by peri-implantitis after 10 years, characterized by peri-implant bone loss of more than 2 mm. These patients not only face the risk of losing their implants in the long term but may also have to undergo revision treatments involving significant surgical complexity and morbidity. Given these statistics, from a scientific standpoint, there is much to suggest that developing a profound understanding of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of peri-implant diseases represents one of the foremost challenges in implant dentistry today.
Against this background, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant diseases are the central themes of this three-day course. Based on the guiding principle of biologically driven implant placement, we will in-depth discuss clinical issues which, from today's perspective, must be taken into account in dental implant planning and treatment for optimal prevention of peri-implant diseases in the future. Furthermore, a systematic approach to the non-surgical and surgical treatment of peri-implantitis will be imparted. Regarding “prevention of peri-implantitis”, participants will focus on learning surgical techniques for establishing sufficiently thick, attached and wide keratinized peri-implant mucosa in a wide range of clinical situations. Regarding “treatment of peri-implantitis” regenerative as well as resective techniques will be taught in well-supervised hands-on training exercises and live surgeries.
- Requirements for biological long-term success with implant-supported restorations
- Peri-implant diseases: prevention, diagnosis and treatment
- Tissue composition of the peri-implant mucosa / its impacts on peri-implant disease prevention
- Non-surgical and surgical techniques for the treatment of peri-implantitis
- Decontamination of implant surfaces affected by peri-implantitis
- Alternatives for tooth replacement to postpone or avoid implant therapy
Hands-on Training
- Regenerative and resective surgical techniques for the treatment of peri-implantitis
- Implant uncoverage in areas without esthetic relevance: establishing an adequately thick, attached and wide keratinized peri-implant mucosa
- Immediate implant placement, immediate impressions and immediate provisionalization with a simultaneous free gingival graft in the posterior dentition: establishing an adequately thick, attached and wide keratinized peri-implant mucosa
Live Surgery
- Surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
- Implant uncoverage in areas without esthetic relevance
- Immediate implant placement, immediate impressions and immediate provisionalization in the posterior dentition in combination with a simultaneous free gingival graft
MC 5: Soft Tissue Reconstruction I

Available dates:
The regeneration of soft tissue defects in areas of esthetic relevance is highly challenging for any clinician. In addition to complete defect reconstruction, good esthetic outcomes in terms of color, texture and surface characteristics with absence of scarring and harmonious tissue transitions are important criteria of success.
Master Class 5 represents the first of two Master Classes dedicated to oral soft tissue reconstructions and focuses on gingival recessions exclusively. Therefore, theoretical and practical aspects of gingival recession management comprise the main course contents. During these three days of training, course participants will further develop surgical skills learned in the previous modules to be applied in plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery. It will be demonstrated that the clinical experience in gingival recession therapy dates back several decades and is substantiated by an excellent base of scientific evidence. That is why the lessons learned in Master Class 5 will build a solid basis for performing more sophisticated techniques of oral soft tissue reconstructions as presented later in Master Class 7.
- Gingival esthetics – criteria and guidelines
- Prevalence, etiology and pathogenesis of gingival recessions
- Criteria of success and long-term prognosis after gingival recession treatment
- Soft tissue autografts
- Soft tissue substitute materials
- Coronally advanced flaps
- Gingival recession treatment in areas without esthetic relevance
- Gingival recession treatment in areas with esthetic relevance
Hands-on Training
- Soft tissue autograft harvesting from the lateral palate: de-epithelialized free gingival grafts, single incision technique, trap door technique and distal wedge technique
- Gingival recession treatment: the modified coronally advanced flap
- Gingival recession treatment: the combined coronally advanced tunnel flap
- Gingival recession treatment: the laterally closed coronally advanced tunnel flap
Live Surgery
- Gingival recession treatment
MC 6: Hard Tissue Reconstruction

Available dates:
Dental implant treatments can reach the limits of what is feasible in cases where tooth loss is associated with large-volume hard tissue defects, especially vertical defects. It is important to mention, that except for sinus floor elevation, most procedures for the surgical reconstruction of such defects have a relatively weak base of scientific evidence substantiating their predictability and long-term stability. For this reason, the decision-making process for one surgical technique over the other in these situations is crucial, also knowing that the associated morbidity for the affected patients can be substantial.
The structure of Master Class 6 has been composed against the background that available techniques for horizontal and in particular vertical bone augmentations are unanimously difficult to perform and very technique sensitive – proper execution requires a profound biological understanding and a high level of manual dexterity on the part of the surgeon. In this course module, we will therefore review the currently available literature together with the participants in order to identify procedures that satisfy today's requirements for successful bone reconstruction. In doing so, we will realistically define what each available procedure can actually be expected to achieve in specific indications as well as their weaknesses and limitations. During these three days of intensive and systematic training, you will focus on practicing these techniques on various training models. Live surgeries are also included to enable you to successfully carry out these procedures on your own patients directly after course completion.
- Bone healing and defect morphology
- Barriers, bone grafts and bone substitutes
- Sinus floor elevation with a lateral and crestal approach
- Horizontal and vertical bone augmentation procedures with guided bone regeneration, distraction osteogenesis, the sandwich technique and the cortical bone plate method
- Soft tissue management for successful bone reconstruction
- Complication management
Hands-on Training
- Sinus floor elevation with a lateral approach
- Vertical bone augmentation with the sandwich technique
- Horizontal bone augmentation with the double layer technique
Live Surgery
- Sinus floor elevation with a lateral approach
- Vertical bone augmentation with the sandwich technique
MC 7: Soft Tissue Reconstruction II

Available dates:
Master Class 7 represents the consequent continuation of Master Class 5, based on the understanding that the same mucosal grafts and coronally advanced flaps, which have proven to be highly successful in treating gingival recessions, can also be effectively modified for the reconstruction of other soft tissue defects in the oral cavity.
Thus, this module is dedicated to the reconstruction of more pronounced intraoral soft tissue defects such as peri-implant mucosal recessions, soft tissue ridge augmentation related to implants and pontics, or papillary defects, focusing particularly on the necessary connective tissue grafts and utilized flaps. Building upon Master Class 3, comprehensive clinical concepts for the predictable execution of aesthetic crown lengthening are further developed.
Characteristic of the defect types addressed in Master Class 7 is that successful treatment outcomes are often only achievable through interdisciplinary collaboration. In particular, the interface between soft tissue surgery and restorative measures is therefore frequently the focal point of interest.
- Mobilization of palatal flaps
- Peri-implant soft tissue augmentation
- Treatment of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences
- Palatal implants
- Alveolar ridge preservation
- Pontic site development
- Tooth autotransplantation
- Treatment of gingival recessions class RT2 and RT3
- Papilla reconstruction
- Esthetic crown lengthening
Hands-on Training
- Treatment of a peri-implant soft tissue dehiscency with the modified coronally advanced flap including the wall-technique
- Pontic Site Development with the combined coronally advanced tunnel technique including palatal peninsula flap and saloon-door technique
Live Surgery
- Advanced oral soft tissue reconstruction
MC 8: Immediate Implants

Available dates:
26. - 28. Jun 2025
25. - 27. Jun 2026
The ability to predictably and durably anchor dental prostheses on dental implants represents a significant improvement in quality of life for many patients affected by tooth loss today. Immediate implants to reduce the morbidity associated with implant treatments are increasingly at the forefront of interest, as their application minimizes the number of surgical interventions, shortens treatment times, and reduces pain as well as postoperative trauma to a minimum. Regardless, under certain conditions, immediate implants hold the promise of aesthetic treatment success, especially in the case of replacing multiple adjacent teeth, which has not been predictably achievable with traditional implant treatment concepts.
Against this backdrop, Master Class 8 primarily addresses innovative approaches that go beyond established therapeutic concepts associated with immediate implantation. These include immediate implant placement with tooth-supported implant bed preparation for the replacement of multi-rooted teeth, reconstructions of missing buccal bone walls performed simultaneously with flapless immediate implantation, and immediate implantation performed while leaving parts of the tooth root in the extraction socket. Hereby, in-depth instruction in the essential scientific background required to make the right decisions in the individual case for the benefit of your patients is provided. Well-supervised hands-on training and carefully selected live surgeries will help you to effectively practice and internalize the essential clinical steps involved in immediate implant placement according to the current rules of practice. In doing so, the interplay between immediate implantation and a digital workflow plays a particular important role.
- Biology and healing of extraction sockets
- Digital workflows
- Alveolar ridge preservation techniques
- Immediate implant placement for the replacement of single-rooted teeth
- Immediate implant placement for the replacement of multi-rooted teeth
- Immediate dentoalveolar restoration
- Partial extraction therapy
Hands-on Training
- The “through the tooth” – technique
- The “immediate dentoalveolar restoration” – technique
- The “socket shield” – technique
Live Surgery
- The “through the tooth” – technique
- The “immediate dentoalveolar restoration” – technique
- The “socket shield” – technique
Master Week 1 (MC 1+2):
Available dates:
01. - 05. Dec 2025
MC 1: Manual Skills

High-power magnification using operating microscopes is not routinely used for surgical interventions in the oral cavity today - the dimensions of the microsurgical instruments and suturing materials that have proven to be particularly suitable in periodontal and implant surgery, do normally not require more than 4.5 x to 6.0 x magnification in most of the situations. Therefore, standard loupe systems provide sufficient magnification in the vast majority of cases.
Against this background, the question is: why would you take a three-day course devoted exclusively to working under the microscope with magnifying powers as high as 20 x?
The answer is simple: there is no longer any doubt in the field, that successful surgical outcomes are largely dependent on the manual dexterity of the individual surgeon. Based on current literature though, manual skills can only be improved by moving out of the comfort zone and by going to the border area of what the human hand can perform.
Regardless of your current level, this course will consequently push you to your limits, thereby providing exactly the right impetus you need to effectively and sustainably train and enhance your manual skills. During these three days of training, you will build the foundation needed to successfully complete all of the remaining Hürzeler/Zuhr Master Classes.
- Introduction to microsurgery
- Oral soft tissue wound healing
- Minimal invasive periodontal and implant surgery
- Flap designs
- Microsurgical suturing techniques
Hands-on Training
- Incision design, flap preparation, flap mobilization and flap stabilization using different models
- End-to-end anatomization of the greater palatine artery in pig jaws
MC 2: Periodontitis I

Periodontal surgery to successfully treat patients affected by periodontal diseases is unambiguously in the center of the Master Classes 2 and 3.
At the same time, the course programs have been compiled in a thorough understanding that surgical interventions are only a small piece of the jigsaw puzzle for the successful management of patients with periodontal disease. In other words, even if executed using best practices and techniques, periodontal surgery procedures will not have a significant impact if they are not embedded in a practice environment that ensures that all the necessary phases of systematic periodontal treatment can be carried out in a competent manner.
All in all, this class does not dispense with the need to study the theoretical fundamentals of periodontology. However, the first part of this course module will teach you the most important and clinically relevant theoretical aspects of establishing the structured approach needed for the systematic management of periodontal disease patients in private practice. Moreover, you will learn strategies for systematic treatment planning and indications for various periodontal surgical interventions required to achieve defined treatment goals according to established treatment concepts based on case studies in interactive work group discussions.
Most important, you will focus during these three days on learning the microsurgical flap techniques needed, to perform access and regenerative periodontal surgery procedures for the treatment of infra-alveolar and inter-radicular periodontal defects. Intensive hands-on training with various training models and live surgeries will help you become skilled at planning and executing incision design, flap elevation, flap mobilization and flap stabilization techniques with a defect-specific approach. The skills learned in this course will give you the foundation needed to manage patients with periodontal diseases even more successful in the future.
- Examination and diagnosis of patients with periodontal diseases
- Treatment planning protocols for patients with periodontal diseases
- Systematic approach to periodontal regeneration
- Surgical access therapy
- Regenerative periodontal therapy
- Decision-making in regenerative periodontal therapy
Hands-on Training
- Microsurgical access flaps in all conceivable variations
- Suturing techniques for microsurgical access flaps in all conceivable variations
- Microsurgical access flap for periodontal regeneration of infra-alveolar defects
- Modified coronally advanced flap for periodontal regeneration of inter-radicular defects
- Harvesting autogenous bone particles from the maxillary tuberosity
Live Surgery
- Regenerative periodontal surgery
Master Week 2 (MC 3+4):
Available dates:
26. - 30. Jan 2026
MC 3: Periodontitis II

Master Class 3 is structured as the continuation of Master Class 2.
The first part focuses on resective periodontal procedures to successfully treat patients affected by periodontal diseases in supplementation to access and regenerative surgical interventions covered in Master Class 2. In contrast to often voiced concerns considering resective periodontal surgery old-fashioned and “aggressive”, it will be demonstrated that the application of apically repositioned flaps can still make sense within the scope of modern periodontal therapy in areas without esthetic relevance provided that periodontal regeneration or access flap surgery cannot be predictably applied. Decisive is, that if indicated and put in a modern and future-oriented context, pocket elimination can even today and not least under the heading of “fiber-retention” be performed in a minimal-invasive and tissue-conserving way. Is there still room for resective periodontal procedures to successfully manage patients with periodontal diseases today? The clear answer is: Yes, there is!
The far-reaching understanding that gingivitis acts as the precursor of periodontitis and therefore the treatment of gingivitis represents the most important step to prevent periodontitis, shapes the second section of Master Class 3. In the center of attention are hereby – theoretically and practically – minimal-invasive apically repositioned flaps to eliminate subgingival restorations margins and the application of soft tissue autografts harvested at the human hard palate in situations where it is in areas without esthetic relevance necessary to re-establish healthy and stable gingival conditions.
The agenda of the last part follows the profound understanding that patients with a history of periodontitis have also an increased risk of developing peri-implant diseases. Based on a mindset that the development of peri-implantitis and consequently the loss of implants can be optimally avoided by maintaining teeth as long as possible and postponing implant placement as far as possible in the course of patients` lives, the preservation of teeth, even severely compromised, can be important, in particular for young- and middle-aged patients. By sharing fundamental background knowledge and meticulous hands-on training, surgical techniques at the limits of tooth preservation are highlighted on this day. These include regenerative periodontal procedures as well as resective interventions like tunneling procedures, root amputations, root separations and root resections culminating in the successful treatment of alleged hopeless teeth. Furthermore, surgical techniques to maintain teeth affected by external root resorptions will be a subject of discussion.
- Pocket elimination with minimal-invasive resective periodontal surgery
- The “fiber retention”-technique
- Apically repositioned flaps to eliminate subgingival restoration margins
- Epithelialized connective tissue grafts to re-establish healthy and stable gingival conditions
- Resective periodontal surgery to treat furcation-involved molars
- Regenerative periodontal surgery to treat alleged hopeless teeth
- Surgical techniques to treat teeth affected by external root resorptions
Hands-on Training
- Minimal invasive apically repositioned flaps with the “fiber retention”-technique
- Minimal invasive apically repositioned flaps to eliminate subgingival restoration margins
- Minimal invasive apically repositioned flaps for root resective periodontal surgery
Live Surgery
- Resective periodontal surgery
MC 4: Peri-implantitis

The use of dental implants to replace missing teeth represents a significant improvement in the quality of life for many patients affected by tooth loss today. Scientifically documented survival rates of nearly 90% over an observation period of 15 years, coupled with the exponentially increasing number of implants inserted worldwide each year, speak for themselves. However, the long-standing conviction ingrained in the minds of clinicians that osseointegrated implants function flawlessly for a lifetime has recently yielded to the bitter realization that titanium artificial tooth roots do not always represent a "permanent solution" and can often entail technical and, most importantly, biological long-term complications. It must be acknowledged that more than 20% of implant patients are affected by peri-implantitis after 10 years, characterized by peri-implant bone loss of more than 2 mm. These patients not only face the risk of losing their implants in the long term but may also have to undergo revision treatments involving significant surgical complexity and morbidity. Given these statistics, from a scientific standpoint, there is much to suggest that developing a profound understanding of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of peri-implant diseases represents one of the foremost challenges in implant dentistry today.
Against this background, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant diseases are the central themes of this three-day course. Based on the guiding principle of biologically driven implant placement, we will in-depth discuss clinical issues which, from today's perspective, must be taken into account in dental implant planning and treatment for optimal prevention of peri-implant diseases in the future. Furthermore, a systematic approach to the non-surgical and surgical treatment of peri-implantitis will be imparted. Regarding “prevention of peri-implantitis”, participants will focus on learning surgical techniques for establishing sufficiently thick, attached and wide keratinized peri-implant mucosa in a wide range of clinical situations. Regarding “treatment of peri-implantitis” regenerative as well as resective techniques will be taught in well-supervised hands-on training exercises and live surgeries.
- Requirements for biological long-term success with implant-supported restorations
- Peri-implant diseases: prevention, diagnosis and treatment
- Tissue composition of the peri-implant mucosa / its impacts on peri-implant disease prevention
- Non-surgical and surgical techniques for the treatment of peri-implantitis
- Decontamination of implant surfaces affected by peri-implantitis
- Alternatives for tooth replacement to postpone or avoid implant therapy
Hands-on Training
- Regenerative and resective surgical techniques for the treatment of peri-implantitis
- Implant uncoverage in areas without esthetic relevance: establishing an adequately thick, attached and wide keratinized peri-implant mucosa
- Immediate implant placement, immediate impressions and immediate provisionalization with a simultaneous free gingival graft in the posterior dentition: establishing an adequately thick, attached and wide keratinized peri-implant mucosa
Live Surgery
- Surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
- Implant uncoverage in areas without esthetic relevance
- Immediate implant placement, immediate impressions and immediate provisionalization in the posterior dentition in combination with a simultaneous free gingival graft
Master Week 3 (MC 5+6)
Available dates:
16. - 20. Mar 2026
MC 5: Soft Tissue Reconstruction I

The regeneration of soft tissue defects in areas of esthetic relevance is highly challenging for any clinician. In addition to complete defect reconstruction, good esthetic outcomes in terms of color, texture and surface characteristics with absence of scarring and harmonious tissue transitions are important criteria of success.
Master Class 5 represents the first of two Master Classes dedicated to oral soft tissue reconstructions and focuses on gingival recessions exclusively. Therefore, theoretical and practical aspects of gingival recession management comprise the main course contents. During these three days of training, course participants will further develop surgical skills learned in the previous modules to be applied in plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery. It will be demonstrated that the clinical experience in gingival recession therapy dates back several decades and is substantiated by an excellent base of scientific evidence. That is why the lessons learned in Master Class 5 will build a solid basis for performing more sophisticated techniques of oral soft tissue reconstructions as presented later in Master Class 7.
- Gingival esthetics – criteria and guidelines
- Prevalence, etiology and pathogenesis of gingival recessions
- Criteria of success and long-term prognosis after gingival recession treatment
- Soft tissue autografts
- Soft tissue substitute materials
- Coronally advanced flaps
- Gingival recession treatment in areas without esthetic relevance
- Gingival recession treatment in areas with esthetic relevance
Hands-on Training
- Soft tissue autograft harvesting from the lateral palate: de-epithelialized free gingival grafts, single incision technique, trap door technique and distal wedge technique
- Gingival recession treatment: the modified coronally advanced flap
- Gingival recession treatment: the combined coronally advanced tunnel flap
- Gingival recession treatment: the laterally closed coronally advanced tunnel flap
Live Surgery
- Gingival recession treatment
MC 6: Hard Tissue Reconstruction

Dental implant treatments can reach the limits of what is feasible in cases where tooth loss is associated with large-volume hard tissue defects, especially vertical defects. It is important to mention, that except for sinus floor elevation, most procedures for the surgical reconstruction of such defects have a relatively weak base of scientific evidence substantiating their predictability and long-term stability. For this reason, the decision-making process for one surgical technique over the other in these situations is crucial, also knowing that the associated morbidity for the affected patients can be substantial.
The structure of Master Class 6 has been composed against the background that available techniques for horizontal and in particular vertical bone augmentations are unanimously difficult to perform and very technique sensitive – proper execution requires a profound biological understanding and a high level of manual dexterity on the part of the surgeon. In this course module, we will therefore review the currently available literature together with the participants in order to identify procedures that satisfy today's requirements for successful bone reconstruction. In doing so, we will realistically define what each available procedure can actually be expected to achieve in specific indications as well as their weaknesses and limitations. During these three days of intensive and systematic training, you will focus on practicing these techniques on various training models. Live surgeries are also included to enable you to successfully carry out these procedures on your own patients directly after course completion.
- Bone healing and defect morphology
- Barriers, bone grafts and bone substitutes
- Sinus floor elevation with a lateral and crestal approach
- Horizontal and vertical bone augmentation procedures with guided bone regeneration, distraction osteogenesis, the sandwich technique and the cortical bone plate method
- Soft tissue management for successful bone reconstruction
- Complication management
Hands-on Training
- Sinus floor elevation with a lateral approach
- Vertical bone augmentation with the sandwich technique
- Horizontal bone augmentation with the double layer technique
Live Surgery
- Sinus floor elevation with a lateral approach
- Vertical bone augmentation with the sandwich technique
Master Week 4 (MC 7+8)
Available dates:
30. Jun - 04. Jul 2025
15. - 19. Jun 2026
MC 7: Soft Tissue Reconstruction II

Master Class 7 represents the consequent continuation of Master Class 5, based on the understanding that the same mucosal grafts and coronally advanced flaps, which have proven to be highly successful in treating gingival recessions, can also be effectively modified for the reconstruction of other soft tissue defects in the oral cavity.
Thus, this module is dedicated to the reconstruction of more pronounced intraoral soft tissue defects such as peri-implant mucosal recessions, soft tissue ridge augmentation related to implants and pontics, or papillary defects, focusing particularly on the necessary connective tissue grafts and utilized flaps. Building upon Master Class 3, comprehensive clinical concepts for the predictable execution of aesthetic crown lengthening are further developed.
Characteristic of the defect types addressed in Master Class 7 is that successful treatment outcomes are often only achievable through interdisciplinary collaboration. In particular, the interface between soft tissue surgery and restorative measures is therefore frequently the focal point of interest.
Mobilization of palatal flaps
Peri-implant soft tissue augmentation
Treatment of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences
Palatal implants
Alveolar ridge preservation
Pontic site development
Tooth autotransplantation
Treatment of gingival recessions class RT2 and RT3
Papilla reconstruction
Esthetic crown lengthening
Hands-on Training
Treatment of a peri-implant soft tissue dehiscency with the modified coronally advanced flap including the wall-technique
Pontic Site Development with the combined coronally advanced tunnel technique including palatal peninsula flap and saloon-door technique
Live Surgery
Advanced oral soft tissue reconstruction
MC 8: Immediate Implants

The ability to predictably and durably anchor dental prostheses on dental implants represents a significant improvement in quality of life for many patients affected by tooth loss today. Immediate implants to reduce the morbidity associated with implant treatments are increasingly at the forefront of interest, as their application minimizes the number of surgical interventions, shortens treatment times, and reduces pain as well as postoperative trauma to a minimum. Regardless, under certain conditions, immediate implants hold the promise of aesthetic treatment success, especially in the case of replacing multiple adjacent teeth, which has not been predictably achievable with traditional implant treatment concepts.
Against this backdrop, Master Class 8 primarily addresses innovative approaches that go beyond established therapeutic concepts associated with immediate implantation. These include immediate implant placement with tooth-supported implant bed preparation for the replacement of multi-rooted teeth, reconstructions of missing buccal bone walls performed simultaneously with flapless immediate implantation, and immediate implantation performed while leaving parts of the tooth root in the extraction socket. Hereby, in-depth instruction in the essential scientific background required to make the right decisions in the individual case for the benefit of your patients is provided. Well-supervised hands-on training and carefully selected live surgeries will help you to effectively practice and internalize the essential clinical steps involved in immediate implant placement according to the current rules of practice. In doing so, the interplay between immediate implantation and a digital workflow plays a particular important role.
Biology and healing of extraction sockets
Digital workflows
Alveolar ridge preservation techniques
Immediate implant placement for the replacement of single-rooted teeth
Immediate implant placement for the replacement of multi-rooted teeth
Immediate dentoalveolar restoration
Partial extraction therapy
Hands-on Training
The “through the tooth” – technique
The “immediate dentoalveolar restoration” – technique
The “socket shield” – technique
Live Surgery
The “through the tooth” – technique
The “immediate dentoalveolar restoration” – technique
The “socket shield” – technique
Special 1: Dental Hygiene Conceptions at the Interface of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

Available dates:
08. - 10. May 2025
This course is designed to serve as an adjunctive program for Dental Hygienists working with Dentists that have taken the Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy course program. Its about opening up communication and focus on the team work approach of periodontal and implant therapies and calibrating the team with the patient in focus. This will help each practice team to develop treatment protocols in its own practice.
Anti-infective therapy is still the gold standard of nonsurgical treatment, we will be looking at what are our options. With practical and live demonstrations in introducing some of the newer instruments at our finger tips. Giving the participants the possibility of using specialized instruments for root planning and adaption into furcation areas. Air-abrasion powder will part of our focus in both SPT and Implant therapies. Giving participants time to practice and increase skill level, and watch our Hygienists use this treatment option in live demonstrations that will be interactive.
We as Dental Hygienist need to motivate our patients not only to follow through on treatment but also optimizing home care. Motivational Interviewing is a necessary skill to keep communication open not only with the patient but within the Team. We will be offering a small introduction into Motivational Interviewing with a team approach to home care protocols for your patients.
This program will take all we learned in school and our life experience and tie it all together with the evidence and experience of our Team. Communication between Dentist and Hygienist is important for establishing a protocol so the whole team is onboard. Hopefully the participants will become a stronger voice in patient management.
Please bring Loupes if you have them with you for the Hands-on exercises.
- calibrating the team, communication and establishing protocols
- anti-infective therapy and optionswith specialized instruments
- air abrasion powders
- supportive periodontal therapy, deciding intervals
- motivational interviewing to optimize home care
- patient care through all phases of treatment
- what are the limits? discussing treatment limitations in our individual settings
- implants and maintenance care, what is the evidence telling us?
Practical Trainings:
- root planning with specialized instruments, on models and extracted teeth
- air abrasion powders for supra and subgingival/submucosal uses, on models and extracted teeth
- implant therapies with titanium instruments and air-abrasion powder
Live Demonstrations:
- Subgingival scaling with furcation involvement (hand and power instruments)
- Air-abrasion powder in SPT appointments with localized Antibiotic treatment
- Implant therapies – Peri-Implant therapy and Mucositis therapy
Special 3: Hürzeler/Zuhr Alumni Meeting

Dear friends of the Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy,
It is our great pleasure to announce the 2nd Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy Alumni Convention taking place in Spitzingsee from July 2nd to 4th 2020.
As you are used to, we will meet on Thursday at 2.00 pm in our premises at Rosenkavalierplatz 18 in Munich and will be back there on Saturday at 4.00 pm the latest.
Like last time, the meeting itself is not intended as a congress with a fixed sequence of theoretical lectures or practical hands on trainings. It's instead much more supposed to act as a tri-annual institutional event to network and exchange expertise among highly qualified professionals at eye level.
The three days will be shaped by interactive discussions under the heading of the overall topic „The Digital World of Dentistry - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improve and Simplify Complex Treatment Processes“.
We are very proud that we were able to enlist Prof. Daniel Edelhoff, Head of the Prosthetic Department of the University of Munich and Prof. Björn Ludwig, orthodontist in private practice from Traben-Trarbach for the meeting. Both of them are proven and internationally accepted experts in the field of digital technologies and will be at their disposal with all their knowledge and all their experience over the complete timeframe.
Moreover, Marc and myself are planning to give you a short update of the latest scientific achievements and clinical innovations that influenced and changed our way to approach patients in the recent past. Some of you will be asked to present interesting patient cases for in-depth group discussions.
Last but not least there will be enough time for social activities, face to face conversation and in particular a lot of fun in a beautiful, inspiring and quiet environment in the heart of Bavaria.
It's all set - we are looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Things to know in advance
Feel free to contact us to discuss options for simultaneous translation into your native language, if required.
Try to be well-rested when you come to our courses.
Especially in this day and age, we believe it is most valuable to take time for oneself from time to time and to focus on yourself without being constantly influenced by external factors. We understand that you need to take care of important business on your Smartphone parallel to the course activities. At the same time, we explicitly encourage you to keep the phone in your pocket during class. Give yourself time for you alone.
Focus on yourself without being constantly influenced by external factors.
The days spent in courses at our academy will certainly be inspiring, but also exhausting. We demand a lot from the participants in terms of both cognitive abilities and manual skills. In some cases, you may even be pushed to the limits of your abilities. Therefore, the more relaxed you are, the more you will benefit from your time at our academy.
Remember to bring your own loupes to the course.
3.5X to 5X is the ideal magnification range for you to derive maximum benefit from the practical training and hands-on exercises. All other instruments and materials required for the course will be provided by the instructors.
You can increase your training effect by bringing your own instruments to the course.
As the microsurgical instruments provided by the academy for classroom use are not new and have been frequently used for hands-on training, you can increase your training effect by bringing your own instruments to the course. For those of you who do not yet own any microsurgical instruments or who are planning to buy new ones anyway, we have an exclusive agreement with ADS through which our course participants can receive a 10% discount on all instruments in the TOUCHGRIP series.
We kindly request that you refrain from taking photographs or videos during the courses.
A script containing all essential course contents will be handed out to participants at the beginning of the course, and videos of the live surgeries will be sent to you no later than 4 weeks after the course. We think that it is very important to maintain an open and honest dialogue with our students. Please respect our intellectual property.
Your participation in the course is not ensured unless payment of the entire course fee has been received.
Please note that your registration form will not be processed until we have received the necessary registration down-payment, and that your participation in the course is not ensured unless payment of the entire course fee has been received in full within 20 days of invoicing. In case of cancellations made less than 3 months before the start of the course, the registration down-payment will not be refunded. For cancellations made less than 6 weeks before the start of the course, 50% of the course fee will be refunded. For cancellations ≤ 4 weeks before the start of the course, the course fee is not refundable.
Things to know in advance
Feel free to contact us to discuss options for simultaneous translation into your native language, if required.
Try to be well-rested when you come to our courses.
Especially in this day and age, we believe it is most valuable to take time for oneself from time to time and to focus on yourself without being constantly influenced by external factors. We understand that you need to take care of important business on your Smartphone parallel to the course activities. At the same time, we explicitly encourage you to keep the phone in your pocket during class. Give yourself time for you alone.
Focus on yourself without being constantly influenced by external factors.
The days spent in courses at our academy will certainly be inspiring, but also exhausting. We demand a lot from the participants in terms of both cognitive abilities and manual skills. In some cases, you may even be pushed to the limits of your abilities. Therefore, the more relaxed you are, the more you will benefit from your time at our academy.
Remember to bring your own loupes to the course.
3.5X to 5X is the ideal magnification range for you to derive maximum benefit from the practical training and hands-on exercises. All other instruments and materials required for the course will be provided by the instructors.
You can increase your training effect by bringing your own instruments to the course.
As the microsurgical instruments provided by the academy for classroom use are not new and have been frequently used for hands-on training, you can increase your training effect by bringing your own instruments to the course. For those of you who do not yet own any microsurgical instruments or who are planning to buy new ones anyway, we have an exclusive agreement with ADS through which our course participants can receive a 10% discount on all instruments in the TOUCHGRIP series.
We kindly request that you refrain from taking photographs or videos during the courses.
A script containing all essential course contents will be handed out to participants at the beginning of the course, and videos of the live surgeries will be sent to you no later than 4 weeks after the course. We think that it is very important to maintain an open and honest dialogue with our students. Please respect our intellectual property.
Your participation in the course is not ensured unless payment of the entire course fee has been received.
Please note that your registration form will not be processed until we have received the necessary registration down-payment, and that your participation in the course is not ensured unless payment of the entire course fee has been received in full within 20 days of invoicing. In case of cancellations made less than 3 months before the start of the course, the registration down-payment will not be refunded. For cancellations made less than 6 weeks before the start of the course, 50% of the course fee will be refunded. For cancellations ≤ 4 weeks before the start of the course, the course fee is not refundable.
/ Partners


/ Hürzeler Zuhr Alumni Meetings
Lets´Keep in Touch!
The first Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy Alumni Meeting was held in the summer of 2016 by popular demand of many colleagues who graduated from our master classes.

/ Hürzeler Zuhr Alumni Meetings
Lets´Keep in Touch!
The first Hürzeler/Zuhr Academy Alumni Meeting was held in the summer of 2016 by popular demand of many colleagues who graduated from our master classes.
This marked the launch of a series of meetings to be held once every three years. The idea is to give our alumni classes from different years the opportunity to network with others and exchange news and information about innovative trends and developments in the field of dentistry. We will hold regular three-day alumni meetings in the seclusion of an alpine resort in Spitzingsee, in the heart of Upper Bavaria. Technically, this is neither a scientific congress nor a practical training course. Instead, our alumni meetings are designed as an institution-based platform to facilitate the eye-level exchange of ideas on current topics among highly qualified colleagues. We also aim to provide updates for specialists on new trends and developments in patient management at these events.
Last but not least, alumni meetings provide the perfect setting to cultivate international relations, build networks and, above all, to meet up with good friends again!
The next Hürzeler/Zuhr Alumni Meeting will be from 29. – 01. October 2022. Further information will be provided in the near future.


Looking for a part-time job as social media commissioned!
Instagram, Facebook & Co are no foreign words for you. You have a big social media affinity and you take a lot of pleasure in developing creative content. You are interested in diving deeper in the dentistry topic or/and are willing to learn more about it.
Then you are at the right place with US.
We are offering you flexible working times, the possibility to work from every place around the world and a young, dynamic team, that is available, when you have questions.
We have awaken your interest? Then send us your application now and become a part of our Academy.
Please send us your CV to: s.huerzeler@huerzelerzuhr.com